Mon., Thurs. 8:00 am - 5 pm
Tues., Wed. 8:00 am - 8 pm
Fri. 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sat. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sun. Closed
Tues., Wed. 8:00 am - 8 pm
Fri. 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sat. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sun. Closed
Missing teeth damage not only your appearance but also your dental structure. The spaces can cause the surrounding teeth to shift which weakens your dental structure.
Although you can choose veneers or bridges, dental implants offer firm support for your dental crowns and last for longer. But, before you can come for dental implants in Morrisburg, here is what you need to know.
Unlike dental veneers or bridges, dental implants don’t need to be replaced after sometime. These implants are made of titanium screws, a connector, and a crown. The screws act as roots for your artificial teeth and are fixed in the jawbone. Furthermore, they fuse to the bone and provide firm support. Although the crowns may need to be replaced at some point, the implants can last for a lifetime with proper care.
Dental implants are designed to fix one tooth at a time. However, with modern technology, you can have multiple implants done. With the All-on-4 implants and the fixed bridge, you can fix multiple missing teeth.
Plus, if you don’t want conventional implants, the mini dental implants are ideal. These are also ideal for people who don’t want the invasive procedure or don’t have enough bone density.
Dental implants are effective, but they are not for everyone. You need to be above 16 years, have healthy teeth and gums free of decay and cavities. Furthermore, you should have enough bone to support the implants.
If you don’t have enough bone density, various solutions are available to rectify the situation. The dentist may recommend bone graft for dental implants, a procedure is done to promote bone growth to support the implants. Bone granules either from your body or cadaver are placed in the area to stimulate bone growth.
The dentist may also opt for subperiosteal implants which are fixed on the gum, but above the jaw bone. These implants are ideal if you don’t want the bone graft procedure.
Dental implant installation can last between three and 12 months depending on if you get a bone graft or not.
In the first appointment, the dentist will assess your dental condition and determine if you are eligible for implants. If a bone graft is not needed, the dentist will drill the jaw and fix the implants. It can take between six and 12 weeks for the gums to heal and implant to fuse to the bone.
A temporary crown is fixed to protect the implant and gums. Once the gums are healed, the abutment and the permanent crown is applied. The implants can last for years if you maintain proper dental health.
Dental implant surgery is thought to be painful, but they are not. We have different solutions from general anesthesia to sedation to reduce the discomfort and pain.
We use IV sedation which reduces pain but doesn’t cause drowsiness. You will be awake during the procedure, but not aware of the process. If you have severe dental phobia, then general anesthesia is used to induce sleep.
You will, however, experience pain after the anesthesia wears off, but pain killers can wade off the discomfort.
Dental implants have a 95 percent success rate. However, a few complications can arise causing them to fail such as gum disease, nerve damage, infections, and implant rejection. If the implant doesn’t fuse to the bone successfully, the body may reject the implant and you will need a second procedure to correct the mistake.
Certain factors can also increase the risk of dental implant failures like smoking, insufficient bone density, medical conditions, poor dental hygiene, and an inexperienced dentist.
If you are ready to restore your smile and dental structure, contact our clinic for an assessment. We will guide in choosing the right form of dental treatment that is ideal for your situation.